Management Science and Information Technology (MSIT) is a scholarly peer-reviewed international scientific journal and is committed to publishing scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles that have a high impact on the Information science and Management field as a whole. All aspects of the subject in relation to Information and Management Science are covered. This is ensured by subjecting each paper to a strict assessment procedure by International editorial board.

About MSIT:
- Frequency: Quarterly
- Publication Dates: January, April, July, October
- Open Access: Yes
- Language: English
- Types of Journal: Scientific/ Scholarly Journal
- Policy: Peer-reviewed
- Submission Format: Your Paper, Your Way
For more information about the journal, visit the website: journal
MSIT Aims and Scope are accessible via: MSIT Aims
See International Editorial Board here: International Editorial Board
If you have any questions or aim to cooperate with the journal, please do not hesitate to contact us at: msit@refconf.com